This website features our full-color catalogue of enticing goodies for you to browse and order at your convenience. Please do not hesitate to contact us for registration details and assistance.

The JE Hastings Limited website will be made available to retailers and not to wholesale distributors / manufacturers / distributors / suppliers or the general public.

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J. E. Hastings Ltd. is involved with many aspects of the confectionery trade, touching on manufacturing, custom packaging, importation and domestic distribution. The company inventories over 1200 SKUs and serves several thousand retail and wholesale customers in all regions of Canada.
The next generation has joined the family business, John Hastings’ sons, Colin and Jeremy Hastings, have taken on the responsibility of maintaining and extending the company’s scope of business. After more than 90 years of family tradition, they still adhere to their great-grandfather’s motto:
“You will never regret selling quality!”